What are the three main risk areas focused on in systems implementation assurance? give example of
Examples of quality assurance activities include process checklists, process standards, process documentation and project audit. Examples of quality control activities include inspection, deliverable peer reviews and the software testing process
Answer: control risk, project
risk, and business risk.
ERP systems, while achieving great economies of scale and employing many
advantages, carry unique risks, many of which can be mitigated if the implementation is
executed successfully. Often, companies implementing ERP systems will seek out a third
party to give an unbiased opinion on the progress of the implementation and the work
accomplished by the internal project team and consultants. This third-party opinion is
called systems implementation assurance (SIA) and is an independent assessment of the
health and expected outcome of the ERP implementation and corresponding change
initiative. Various entities can do this type of work, but oftentimes the company’s internal audit staff or
external auditor is engaged to render this objective assurance. This assurance team will act
independently of the system integrators with a “dotted line” to the ERP project sponsor and
steering committee and operate in an “assess and recommend” mode. Typically, SIA will focus on three main types of risks throughout the ERP life cycle: control risk, project risk, and business risk. These risks happen at various points in the ERP life cycle