What are the three meninges in brain?
Three meninges are:
1. Duramater :it is outer tough and fibrous membrane.
2. Arachnoid: it is middle delicate membrane.
3. Piamater: it is inner thin and highly vascular membrane.
◼Brain is the most essential and a delicate organ present inside skull also known as brain box.
◼It weighs 1350 g and consumes 80 % of water and more than 25 % of total oxygen.
◼It is protected by 3 membranous covering called meninges which continues further to spinal cord .There is a liquid filled between these meninges called cerebrospinal fluid which provides a cushion effect, protecting brain from shock.
Dura - tough
Mater - mother
Its the outermost membranous tough membrane.
Archane - spider
Its a thin delicate middle web like cusion layer.
Pia - tender
Its the innermost vascular membrane, contains rich supply of blood vessels.