what are the three types of farming practice in india
b because of the vast culture of India different climates different temperature in different weather conditions is different types of farming practices
The three types of farming practices in India are:
- Shifting agriculture
- Subsistence farming
- Commercial farming
Shifting agriculture : Agriculture is known by many names in all over the world . The slash and burn agriculture system is known as shifting agriculture . Usually crops like yam , tapioca and root crops are raised . It is practiced mainly by tribal living in forest.
Subsistence farming : This type of farming is still practiced in few places of India . In subsistence agriculture , farmer and his family produce cerals for themselves only for local market in small patches of land . They use primitive tools like hoe , doe and digging sticks . Cerals like wheat , rice , Millet are mainly grown in small land portions.
Commercial farming : In commercial farming or mechanical farming , employment of labour and capital required per hectare of land is comparatively less . Many extensive farms which grows commercial products raises only one crop a year . It is a modern system of farming where farmers use machines on large farms . The degree of commercialization of agriculture varies from one region to another in India . This farming method is majorly seen in countries like USA , Canada , Russia and Australia where machines are used extensively .