English, asked by sahil1041145, 8 months ago

What are the two main types of spams and thear effects on internet users?​


Answered by nagulavanchathirupat


To help you out, we’ve gathered a list of 5 most common types of SPAM and what you can do to protect yourself against them. You’ll see what exactly SPAM is, why people practice it and how you can fight it back.


Comment Spam

Trackback Spam

Negative SEO Attack

Spiders, Bots and DDoS Attacks

E-mail Spam

If you’ve been in business for a while, then you’ve probably dealt with it already. However, if you’re just starting out, you probably have a lot of things on your mind. Protection against spam might get overlooked. It might not be a big problem at first, but it can get pretty bad if left unattended.

What Is SPAM and Why Does It Exist?

There are two definitions for SPAM:

A tinned meat product made mainly from ham.

Irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the Internet, typically to a large number of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware, etc.

Both these definitions are accurate. But why did I cover them both? Well, just as a fun fact. Internet SPAM actually gets its name from the canned meat brand called SPAM. SPAM cans we’re very popular and would often take up large spaces in stores. You could find them everywhere in very large quantities.

When internet mass messaging started to arise, the name SPAM was mentioned somewhere on a forum. It stuck with it and the phenomenon eventually got more popular than the canned food itself. Today, ask someone if they know what SPAM is and they will probably refer to it as unsolicited messages over the internet.

how to protect yourself from spam

In the early days of the internet, SPAM was usually limited to e-mails but, over the years, internet SPAM has evolved.

Many things are now considered to be SPAM, from sending e-mails to blasting comments on websites.

So why do people use SPAM as a marketing method? Well… in short, because it works. It’s becoming harder to do it because of filters and advanced technology, but it still works. Cold selling is still very effective. If you’ve watched Wolf of the Wall Street then you know how this works.

The difference was that Jordan Belford was cold calling people he knew were interested in stocks. A spammer often doesn’t care about that. They just collect a huge number of e-mails and then blast them with any offer they have. Not once, but continuously.

In SEO, SPAM is usually a byproduct of BlackHat SEO. In order to promote their offers, spammers use techniques like keyword stuffing and article spinning (automatic rewriting of content, using software) as well as automatic link building. You should never engage in such techniques, as it could harm your business and even bring legal issues.

However, this article isn’t about what you shouldn’t be doing, but about how to protect yourself when others try to do shady things. Although spam and scam have many things in common, we’re not going to cover the ‘business’ types behind SPAM, but the methods used to do it.

These being said, here are 5 of the most common methods spammers use and how you can effectively protect yourself against them.

1. Comment Spam

Comment spam is awful. If you get hit by one of these, you’ll be annoyed.

Comment spam is used to build backlinks.

The spammer uses software, such as ScrapeBox, to find potential targets and blasts them with comments. The comments are useless to the victim, but create blacklinks to the spammer’s website.

You might think that removing the possibility of adding links will discourage spammers to target your website. However, this is rarely the case, since most spammers don’t spend too much time checking these things. They just blast everything in their way, as long as they’re related to their niche.

Have a glimpse at the website below. This is what happened because I forgot to protect from comment spam and left unmonitored for a while:

Comment Spam

Website being spammed with comments

Yes, that’s right. Over 12,000 spammy comments. As you can see, none of these were actually live, since they weren’t autoapproved.

Things get even worse if you have them automatically approved, as spammers usually trade these assets between them.

The spam above resulted the my server getting slow and Google banning my IP for Gmail. That’s actually how I found out about the

Answered by raotd

Answer:There are two definitions for SPAM:


  1. A tinned meat product made mainly from ham.
  2. Irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the Internet, typically to a large number of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware, etc.


Both these definitions are accurate. But why did I cover them both? Well, just as a fun fact. Internet SPAM actually gets its name from the canned meat brand called SPAM. SPAM cans we’re very popular and would often take up large spaces in stores. You could find them everywhere in very large quantities.


When internet mass messaging started to arise, the name SPAM was mentioned somewhere on a forum. It stuck with it and the phenomenon eventually got more popular than the canned food itself. Today, ask someone if they know what SPAM is and they will probably refer to it as unsolicited messages over the internet.

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