What are the two parts of complex permanent tissue?
Answer:The two parts of complex permanent tissue are Xylem and Phloem
1) Xylem (wood)
It is a complex permanent plant tissue , which performs the function of transport of water and minerals .
2) Phloem (bast)
Phloem is another kind of complex permanent tissue, whose main function is to conduct prepared organic food material to different parts of plant body
The two types of complex permanent tissues are:-
1)Xylem:- Xylem tissues are composed of four different types of cells and they are-Tracheid, Vessel, Xylem parenchyma and xylem fibre. All xylem elements are dead and bounded by thick lignified walls except xylwm parenchyma. Xylem tissues help in the transportation of water in plants and tgey provide mwchanical support to the plants.
2)Phloem:-Phlowm tissues are composed of fouer different elements and they are-Sieve tubes, companion cells, phlowm parenchyma and phloem fibres. All phloem elements are living in nature except phloem fibres. Phloem tissues help in the transportation of food in the plants.