English, asked by yash93470, 11 months ago

what are the two specific questions regarding yoga and it practitioner asked by arjuna to krsna


Answered by 8473027846
Arjuna asks Krishna a number of questions connected with yoga and its practitioners.

Arjuna said: O Janardana, O Kesava, why do You want to engage me in this ghastly warfare, if You think that intelligence is better than fruitive work? Bg 3.1

Here Arjuna is why Krishna is urging Arjuna to perform Karma yoga if He thinks Buddhi yoga is better.

Krishna replies:

Bg. 3.3 - The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: O sinless Arjuna, I have already explained that there are two classes of men who try to realize the self. Some are inclined to understand it by empirical, philosophical speculation, and others by devotional service.

Bg. 3.6 - One who restrains the senses of action but whose mind dwells on sense objects certainly deludes himself and is called a pretender.

Bg. 3.7 - On the other hand, if a sincere person tries to control the active senses by the mind and begins karma-yoga [in Krishna consciousness] without attachment, he is by far superior.

Next Arjuna asks which is better, Bhakti yoga (devotional service) or practicing the yoga of eightfold mysticism, or studying the Vedas to advance in transcendental knowledge or the process of breath restraint to remain in trance, or curtailing the eating process offering the outgoing breath into itself as a sacrifice which excepting devotional service involve renunciation of works.

Arjuna said: O Krsna, first of all You ask me to renounce work, and then again You recommend work with devotion. Now will You kindly tell me definitely which of the two is more beneficial? Bg 5.1

Krishna answers

g. 5.2 - The Personality of Godhead replied: The renunciation of work and work in devotion are both good for liberation. But, of the two, work in devotional service is better than renunciation of work.

Then Arjuna asks where the unsuccessful yogi will go.

Arjuna said: O Krsna, what is the destination of the unsuccessful transcendentalist, who in the beginning takes to the process of self-realization with faith but who later desists due to worldly-mindedness and thus does not attain perfection in mysticism? Bg 6.37

Krishna replies.

Bg. 6.41 - The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy.

Bg. 6.42 - Or [if unsuccessful after long practice of yoga] he takes his birth in a family of transcendentalists who are surely great in wisdom. Certainly, such a birth is rare in this world.

Bg. 6.43 - On taking such a birth, he revives the divine consciousness of his previous life, and he again tries to make further progress in order to achieve complete success, O son of Kuru.

Bg. 6.44 - By virtue of the divine consciousness of his previous life, he automatically becomes attracted to the yogic principles-even without seeking them. Such an inquisitive transcendentalist stands always above the ritualistic principles of the scriptures.

Bg. 6.45 - And when the yogi engages himself with sincere endeavor in making further progress, being washed of all contaminations, then ultimately, achieving perfection after many, many births of practice, he attains the supreme goal.

Then Arjuna asks which yogis are more perfect those who practice Bhakti yoga or those who worship the Brahman.

Arjuna inquired: Which are considered to be more perfect, those who are always properly engaged in Your devotional service or those who worship the impersonal Brahman, the unmanifested? Bg 12.1

Krishna replies:

Bg 12.2 - The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Those who fix their minds on My personal form and are always engaged in worshiping Me with great and transcendental faith are considered by Me to be most perfect.

Hare Krishna.

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