English, asked by Fatum, 11 months ago

What are the two things the boy asked his mother to imagine in the poem"The Merchant"?


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CBSE NCERT Class 9 English Poems from Beehive Book - Summary, Explanation, Poetic Devices, Question Answers

By Ruchika Gupta

cbse class 9th poems

Here, the summary, explanation, word meanings, poetic devices of all the poems of CBSE NCERT Class 9 English Beehive book have been compiled for the convenience of the students. This is a compilation of extensive notes of all the poetry from the Beehive book for CBSE NCERT Class 9 English . The explanation and summary have been done in an easy language so that every student can understand.

Poem 1 - The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

This well-known poem is about making choices, and the choices that shape us. Robert Frost is an American poet who writes simply, but insightfully, about common, ordinary experiences

Introduction to the poem

In the poem - ‘The Road Not Taken’, the road symbolizes our life. The poet says that the path that we don’t choose in our life is ‘the road not taken’. He describes his feelings about that choice that he had left in the past. The path which we have chosen, decides our future, our destination. The important message that the poet wants to give is that the choice that we make has an impact on our future and if we make a wrong choice, we regret it but cannot go back on it. So, we must be wise while making choices.

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Poem and Explanation

Stanza 1

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveller, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

diverged: separated and took a different direction

yellow wood: a forest with decomposing leaves

undergrowth: dense growth of plants and bushes means the forest)

Once the poet was walking down a road and then there was a diversion, there were two different paths and he had to choose one out them. The poet says that as he was one person, he could travel on one road only. He had to choose one out of these two roads. (Yellow wood means a forest with leaves which are wearing out and they have turned yellow in colour – the season of autumn.) Yellow woods represent a world which is full of people, where people have been living for many years. They represent people who are older than the poet. The poet kept standing there and looked at the path very carefully as far as he could see it. Before taking the path, he wanted to know how it was- was it suitable for him or no. He was able to see the path till where it curved after which it was covered with trees and was hidden. It happens in our life also when we have choices, we have alternatives, but we have to choose only one out of them, we take time to think about the pros and cons of each, whether it is suitable for us or not and only then, we take a decision on what path we should choose.

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