What are the two types of ants
Acrobat ants (Crematogaster) ...
Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) ...
Acrobat ants (Crematogaster)
Worker ants are about 2.5 to 3 millimeters long with two nodes. Their color varies from yellow-brown to brown and red-black to all black. They nest outside, primarily in moist wood and inside damaged wood structures, and sometimes in foam panel insulation. When threatened, worker ants of this species will lift their abdomens above their heads, resembling a scorpion. As they run with their abdomen held in the air, it gives the appearance that they are tumbling, hence the name, "acrobat ant." These types of ants are aggressive and will sting, although they are not frequent indoor invaders. They are commonly found throughout the Eastern United States.
Argentine ants (Linepithema humile)
Worker ants are about 2.2 to 2.8 millimeters long and have one node. Their color varies from light to dark brown. Outdoors, they nest in a variety of areas throughout the winter and in shadier spots during the summer. Indoors, they are sometimes found in wall insulation or voids. If stepped on, workers emit a musty smell. These ant types do not have the ability to sting. They are most commonly found throughout the Southeastern United States, California and Hawaii.
Asian needle ant (Pachycondyla chinensis)
Worker ants are about 5 millimeters long and have one node. They are brown-black with dark orange mandibles, and mostly nest outdoors in shaded areas with high moisture. This species is less aggressive to neighboring ant colonies than other ant types. It will sting if pressed against human skin or trapped in clothes. This happens most often during swarm season, which is between July and August. Its sting can be painful and sometimes causes a welt. A small number of cases where humans were stung resulted in anaphylactic shock. It is most commonly found in Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.
Carpenter ants (Camponotus)
Multiple variations of this species exist across the United States. These types of ants rank high as structural pests. Due to such large variety, their physical description can be broad. The average length of workers is between 6 and 13 millimeters. Carpenter ants don't actually eat wood, but rather excavate it in order to create nests. The primary nest of these ants is typically outside, in trees or lumber. Indoors, they prefer roofs and woodwork near moisture. Homes in woodlands are at the most risk for structural damage. Some species are aggressive and will sting if their nest is disturbed.
Crazy ant (Paratrechina longicornis)
Workers are 2.2 to 3 millimeters long with one node. They are black-brown with extremely long legs and antennae. These types of ants are non-discriminatory nesters, forming colonies in moist or dry environments. Outdoors, they nest in plants, soil, heavy vegetation, mulch and garbage. Indoors, they can be found under carpets, in wall voids and in houseplants. Crazy ants do not have stingers, but will move around sporadically if disturbed, thus earning their name. They are spread throughout the United States and are especially common along the Gulf Coast. Other common species in this subfamily include the Caribbean crazy ant (Nylanderia pubens) and the robust crazy ant (Nylanderia bourbonica). All are considered major home invaders, the latter two primarily existing in Florida.
Dark rover ants (Brachymyrmex patagonicus)
The average length of this ant is about 1.6 millimeters. They have one node for their body and are medium to dark brown in color. They are commonly found in areas near people, and nest outdoors by grass edges, under objects on the ground and in parking lots. Indoor nests are sometimes found in bathrooms and kitchens. Dark rover ants have a preference for sweet liquids. Their large colony size can make them a nuisance, although they do not sting. They are commonly found in Florida, southern Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. They have also been reported in South Carolina, Arkansas, Texas, Arizona and Nevada.