What are the two types of industry on the basis of raw material?
class 10 S.S
Agro based: Agro based industries draw their raw materials from agricultural products. For example, Textiles, Sugar, Coffee, Tea and Edible Oil, etc.
Mineral based: Mineral based draw their raw material from minerals. For example, Iron and Steel industries, cement, machine holes, petrochemicals, etc.
Hope this answer is helpful to you.
Industries on the basis of source of raw materials and their differences are :-
1) Agro based industries- Those industries which draw raw material from agriculture is called agro based industries.
Example: cotton textile, sugar mill.
2) Mineral based industries- Industries which get raw material from minerals called mineral based industries.
Example: cement, steel, iron industries.
3) Pastoral based industries- These industries depends up on animals for their raw materials.
Example: shoes, dairy industries.
4) Forest based industries- paper, wood industries are forest based industries.