What are the two vital aspects of marketing strategy and the
purpose for starting a new business.
If I asked you to guess the number one difficulty businesses face when it comes to their marketing strategy, I’m sure you would guess a number of things: getting the website right, making the direct mail pieces pop, choosing the right social media platform, etc. The truth is, it’s something much more basic. It’s commitment.
You want to attract the right customers? You’re definitely going to need an targeted approach and message. But that’s just the starting point. The real challenge businesses face with their marketing strategy is the commitment to develop one. Today’s customer has adjusted their buying to reward businesses that have personalized services, content, products, processes, and touchpoints which means if you want to earn their attention, and gain repeat and referral business you can’t appeal to everyone. You always have to be thinking about how you personally serve and attract a narrowly defined customer group. Just like with getting fit, achieving the best results requires a commitment to a specific plan and implementation of the plan.
Adopt an Marketing Strategy mindset.
Most businesses hear marketing strategy and immediately think email newsletter, copy, LinkedIn and promotions — you know, tactics. Heck, most well known marketers do the same thing. Today, I’m here to affirm that none of your tactics matter until you are crystal clear about two things.
Who is your ideal customer? One of the most important elements of a marketing strategy is the development of an ideal customer profile. Understanding who makes an ideal customer allows you to build your entire business, message, product, services, sales and support around attracting and serving this narrowly defined customer group.
What makes your business different? The market needs a way to compare and differ and if you don’t give them one they’ll default to price comparison. Discover and create your unique positioning and it must be developed after you’ve defined your ideal customer. Scheduling some time to ask your best customers why they do business with you, may offer some insight into how you are different in ways that will attract other potential customers.