Computer Science, asked by priyanshu6892, 1 year ago

What are the two ways of creating a database


Answered by sandeepkm3666


Way 1: Create Access database with templates

1. Click File – New tab in Microsoft Access.

2. In the middle pane of Access interface, Available Templates are provided. Recent Templates, Sample Templates, My Templates and Templates are available for you to choose.

2-1 Click Recent Templates, Sample Templates or My Templates and select the template you want.

Click the folder icon next to the File Name box and browse to a location where you want to create the database. Then click Create button.

create access database with sample templates

2-2 Click templates under Templates, and select template you want. In the lower right corner, you can choose a folder to save access database created with template. Then click Download to download the template from

create access database with office templates

Tips: If you don’t indicate a specific location, Access will create the database in the default location that is displayed below the File Name box.

3. Do more about new database created with templates.

create login user for new access databse

If Access displays a Login dialog box, create a new user with wizard and Save & Close. Then login Access database with this user.

If Access displays a Security warning, click “Enable edit”.

If Access displays “Getting Started”, you can follow introduction to learn how to configure and use the database.

If Access displays empty database spreadsheet, you can type data on it or import data into spreadsheet.

Don’t need to save what you have done, access database has been created and saved automatically.

Way 2: Create a blank Access database with “Blank database” or “Blank Web database” command

If the templates don’t demand your requirements, get this way to create access database.

1. Tab File – New in Microsoft Access.

2. Under Available Templates, select Blank database or Blank web database.

create blank access database with command

3. If you want to change new access database location, click Folder icon next to File Name box, and browse to computer and choose a location to save access database.

4. Click Create button under “File Name” box.

Way 3: Import existing data into Microsoft Access and save as Access database

1. Open Microsoft Access and tab File – Open.

2. When Open window appears, select the data type you want to import in the drop-down list next to “File name” or select “All Files”.

open existing excel data in access

3. Browse to the location where the data save. Select it and click “Open”.

4. Follow wizard to make sure imported data format adjust to Access and click “Finish”.

adjust imported data format to access database

If you want to change data, make changes and save access database. If not, access database has been created and saved in the same location where exiting data is saved.

create access database with existing data successfully

To speak of, Access database creation in Access 2013 is similar to in Access 2007/2010. There are mainly two ways to create access database in Access 2013. Create database with templates and create a blank database with “Blank desktop database” command.

Because of the similarity to use templates to build access database in Access 2007, 2010 and 2013, now let’s only specially introduce how to build an access database 2013 with command.

How to create a database in Access 2013?

1. Open Microsoft Access 2013, and tab File – New. Or click Blank desktop database directly in Access interface.

choose a way to create access 2013 database

2. A new dialog appears with new database default name and location. You can retype a new name for access database, and click the folder icon next to File Name to set a new location for new access database.

create access 2013 database

3. Click Create button at last.

Next, it’s time for you to set database table, indexes, field and data type.


Answered by paruuu14


open the database select datasheet tab >views group> view drop down list

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