Biology, asked by sithranjansithu, 5 months ago

what are the type of tissues and it explains​


Answered by SachidanandNigade


Tissue types

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Kim BengocheaKim Bengochea, Regis University, Denver

Tissue types

Author: Julie Doll BSc, MSc • Reviewer: Dimitrios Mytilinaios MD, PhD

Last reviewed: October 29, 2020

Reading time: 19 minutes

Surface epithelium; Image:

Surface epithelium

A tissue is a group of cells, in close proximity, organized to perform one or more specific functions.

There are four basic tissue types defined by their morphology and function: epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue.

Epithelial tissue creates protective boundaries and is involved in the diffusion of ions and molecules.

Connective tissue underlies and supports other tissue types.

Muscle tissue contracts to initiate movement in the body.

Nervous tissue transmits and integrates information through the central and peripheral nervous systems.

Key facts about the tissue types

Epithelial Tissue

Features - high cellularity, special sensory receptors, forms a barrier, avascular, innervated

Surfaces - basal (hemidesmosomes, basement membrane), apical (lumen, microvilli, cilia, stereocilia), lateral (adhering junctions, tight junctions, desmosomes, gap junctions)

Types - squamous, cuboidal, columnar, simple, stratified, pseudostratified, specialized

Connective Tissue

Structure - cells (structural, immunological, defense, energy reservoirs), extracellular matrix (ground substance, protein fibers)

Types of fibers - collagen, reticular, elastic

Classification - proper (dense, loose), embryonic (mesenchyme, mucous), specialized (cartilage, adipose, bone, blood)

Muscle Tissue

Features - elastic, extensible, contractile

Types - skeletal, cardiac (gap junctions, intercalated discs), smooth, striated, nonstriated

Nervous Tissue

Neurons - soma, dendrites, axons, ganglia (PNS), nuclei (CNS)

Glia - astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, Schwann cells, microglia - blood-brain barrier

Answered by PriyankaPriyanka


Tissues are group of cells that have a similar structure and act together to perform a specific functions.

★There are four types of tissues in animals:- connective, muscular, nervous and epithelial tissue.

★There are three types of tissues in plants:- Vascular, ground and epidermal tissue.

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