What are the types of DialogBox?
Don't know bro
Sorry for that .
there are three types
Modal dialog boxes are generally used inside a program, to display messages, and to set program parameters. Modal dialog boxes come to the front of the screen, and you may not use the program while the modal dialog box is open. to continue using the program, the modal dialog box must be closed.
System Modal
System modal dialog boxes are like modal boxes, except that they supersede the entire desktop area. When a system modal dialog box is open, nothing else on the screen can be clicked or selected.
Modeless dialog boxes are able to be deselected, and control can be taken away from a modeless dialog box and transferred to some other window. Modeless dialog boxes are frequently used as a fast and easy way to create a window, without having to register a window class. Modeless dialog boxes are common in the Windows control panel.
be brainly