Science, asked by Wagesh, 9 months ago

What are the types of nutrition in plants?
Nutrition not nutrients
Four or five
Which are they​


Answered by bhawnasingh1565


There are two modes of nutrition:

Autotrophic – Plants exhibit autotrophic nutrition and are called as a primary producer. ...

Heterotrophic – Both animals and human beings are called heterotrophs, as they depend on plants for their food.


Answered by Anonymous

Nutrition is the process of obtaining energy in the form of food, which is necessary for body growth and metabolism. Each and every organiszm obtain their nutrition by different ways. Plants exhibit autotrophic mode ofnutriton. They prepare their own food. They are capable of fixing carbon diaxide using sunlight energy. They are the primary producers in food chain. Majority of animals are heterotophs. They cannot prepare their own food. They depend on other organisms such as plants or other animals for their nutrition. They are consumers in the food chain.

Nutrition is the process to obtain and utilize food or mutrients. It is mainly divided into two categories autotrophic (organisms prepare their own food) and heterotrophic (organisms obtain food from other organisms). Autotrophic mode of mutrition is further divided into two categories such as: 1. Phototrophic: Organisms prepare their own food in the presence of sunlight, water and carbon dioxide eg, green plants. Chemotrophic: Organisms prepare their own food in the presence of chemicals such as nitrate, hydrogen sulphate, iron etc, e.g., sulphur bacteria Heterotrophic mode of mutrition is further divided into taree categories such as: 1. Holozoic: Animals eat their whole food. It includes five stages of digestion such as ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and egestioneg, humans. 2. saprophytic: Organisms feed on dead and decaying arganic matters. In this mode, arganisma first convert the complex food into the simple form and then ingests them e.g, decamposers. 3. Parasitic: Organisms obtain food from other living organisms. In this mode, one organism (parasite) lives inside the other arganism (host organism) and derive mutrients from that e.g., tapeworm.

There are seven major classes of nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals, protein, vitamins, and water.

Carbohydrates - our main source of energy.

Fats - one source of energy and important in relation to fat soluble vitamins.

I hope this answer will help you. Please mark me Birlianist.

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