what are the types of phobias people suffering from?????
acrophobia, fear of heights
aerophobia, fear of flying
arachnophobia, fear of spiders
astraphobia, fear of thunder and lightning
autophobia, fear of being alone
claustrophobia, fear of confined or crowded spaces
hemophobia, fear of blood
hydrophobia, fear of water
ophidiophobia, fear of snakes
zoophobia, fear of animals
There are three main groups of phobias which include:
- Specific (simple) phobias, which are the most common and focus on specific objects.
- Social phobia, which causes extreme anxiety in social or public situations, and.
- Agoraphobia, which is the fear of being alone in public places from which there is no easy escape.
We all have things we fear – snakes and hedgehogs are mine. Most of the time these fears do not impact on our daily lives but if they do then it may be time for some for a short course in behaviour therapy. The top ten phobias include:
1. Arachnophobia: The fear of spiders. This phobia tends to affect women more than men.
2. Ophidiophobia: The fear of snakes.
3. Acrophobia: The fear of heights.
4. Agoraphobia: The fear of situations in which escape is difficult. This may include crowded areas, open spaces, or situations that are likely to trigger a panic attack. People will begin avoiding these trigger events, sometimes to the point that they cease leaving their home. Approximately one third of people with panic disorder develop agoraphobia.
5. Cynophobia: The fear of dogs. This phobia is often associated with specific personal experiences, such as being bitten by a dog during childhood.
6. Astraphobia: The fear of thunder and lightning.
7. Trypanophobia: The fear of injections. Like many phobias, this fear often goes untreated because people avoid the triggering object and situation.
8. Social Phobias: The fear of social situations. In many cases, these phobias can become so severe that people avoid events, places, and people that are likely to trigger an anxiety attack.
9. Pteromerhanophobia: The fear of flying. Often treated using exposure therapy, in which the client is gradually and progressively introduced to flying.
10. Mysophobia: The fear of germs or dirt. May be related to obsessive-compulsive disorder.