Biology, asked by parulsh3475, 1 year ago

what are the typical features of echinoderms


Answered by RajdeepdekaA786601

(Echinos: Spines; derma: Skin)

Kingdom: Animalia

Habitat: These are exclusively marine

Grade of organization: organ system grade

Germ layer: triploblastic

Symmetry: Adults are radially symmetrical while the larvae are bilaterally symmetrical.

Coelom: present ( coelomate)

Body without segmentation

The shape of the body is flat, star like, spherical or elongated.

Head is absent

Presence of tube feet

Presence of water vascular system

Mouth is present on ventral side while anus is present on dorsal side

Respiration: by papule, gills or clocal respiratory tree

Nervous system: absent, they are brainless organism.

Circulatory system: is reduced, heart is absent

Blood has no pigment.

Digestive system: complete

Excretory system: absent

Sexes: mostly dioecious, rarely monocious


Sexual: by gamatic fusion

Asexual: regeneration

Fertilization: external

Development: indirect with characteristic larvae

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