What are the uses of maps showing height?
Maps showing height can prove to be very useful in various ways:
It shows the surface elevation.
It shows the display in 3 D computer graphic.
They are widely used to understand the nature of terrain.
Gives the actual displacement and location of mountains and valleys.
Hope it helps.
These maps help us to understand the
nature of the terrain, where the mountains
are, where the valleys are, etc. If you look
at the physical map of Telangana, you can
identify the Godavari slopes in the Eastern
part. If you travel westwards from the
slopes, you will reach the hills in the
Plateau region. The plateau region itself is
cut by many rivers like the Krishna and the
Godavari, which form deep and broad
valleys in them.
Maps showing height are very essential
when roads or dams have to be
constructed. If we have to lay roads in an
undulating region between two places, such
maps help us in deciding the route to be
taken by the road. Similarly, when dams are
planned, it is necessary to know how much
land will be submerged by the water of the