What are the uses of Washing soda?
Here is ur answer...
>> Wsshing soda is sodium compund.....
>> The chemical name ofwashing soda is SODIUM CARBONATE
>> Na2CO3•10H2O is the chemical formula of Washing soda
The uses of washing soda are :
• It is used in SOAP, PAPER and GLASS industries.
• It is used to manufacture sodium compounds..such as Borax
• It is used as cleaning agent..for domestic use
• It is used to remove the PERMENANT hardness of water
Hope it helps
Uses of Washing Soda are:-
✍It is used in soda -Acid fire Extinguisher.
✍It is Used for Softening hard water , cleaning and laundry .
✍It is used in the Manufacturer of soap , borax , caustic soda , sodium phosphate etc.
✍It is used in Paper and textile industry and also used in petroleum refining and Metal Refining.