what are the various drawbacks of democracy
Equal votes for all regardless of level of education. You may think its human rights but i think it is ridiculous and highly detrimental if people lack basic education to comprehend policies and intention of the government and end up voting based on media influence/ feelings which arguably happened in the United States. Same idea behind why u wont let those under a certain age vote, not everyone should be allowed to vote or at least not have equal votes. Unless you’re gonna argue that everyone has equal stake. But do consider why u go to a doctor when you’re sick and not the hairdresser. Only with the right knowledge will the outcome be desirable. The majority may not always be right.
Too much change too quickly. Once the opposition government takes over they tend to “destroy” the work of the former government. Look at the US. Trump takes over, trade deals gone, Obama care gone, Paris agreement gone. Not to say that his decision was wrong but it shows how democracy is inefficient. The focus of the government constantly changes and long term plans will never fully comes through. In short nothing gets done.
Linked to above 2 points, because everyone gets equal vote the government will seek to carry out populist policies just so that they can win elections. Populist policies usually cost more than they benefit
There are no perfect political systems yet but democracy is one that stands out as better in most cases.But it has got disadvantages on its own. In a democratic country, the opinions and decisions of the majority are the only one's considered and the minority doesn't have the slightest chance to voice their opinions.