what are the various modifications of dicot and monocot root
All vascular plants are further classified into Monocot and Dicots. This classification is mainly based on the number of cotyledons. In botany, cotyledons are defined as an important part of the embryo – part of a seed. The word cotyledons id derived from a Greek word meaning an embryonic leaf. Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons are two different types of cotyledon.
Monocotyledons or Monocot commonly refers to the flowering plants or angiosperms in which the seeds typically contain only one embryonic leaf or Cotyledon. Ginger, onions, wheat, and grass are the best examples of Monocotyledons
Dicotyledons or Dicot is generally referred to the flowering plants or angiosperms in which the seeds typically contain two embryonic leaves or cotyledon. All legumes, including beans, lentils, pea, and peanuts are the best examples of dicotyledons. There are around 1 lakh to 1.5 lakhs of different species of dicot plants.
The root system is the underground part of the plant, which plays an important role in the transportation of water and other essential mineral nutrition from the soil to different parts of the shoot system or aerial parts of the plant.
Also, read Anatomy of Monocot and Dicot Plants
Monocot Root
These plant roots have a comparatively wider, and fibrous root-like structure.
Dicot Root
These plant roots have a comparatively narrow, and tap root-like structure.
Normally, dicots and monocots differ in four aspects which include stems, flowers, leaves, and roots. Here let us know more about the differences between a monocot and dicot roots of a plant.
The Dicot and Monocot Roots are distinguished mainly based on the structure of the root. The important difference between Dicot and Monocot roots have been discussed below:
Difference Between Dicot And Monocot Root
Dicot Root
Monocot Root
Gives rise to cork cambium, parts of the vascular cambium, and lateral roots Gives rise to lateral roots only
Vascular Tissues
Has a limited number of Xylem and Phloem Has a higher number of Xylem and Phloem
Shape of Xylem
Angular or Polygonal Round or Oval
Number of Xylem and Phloem
2 to 8 8 to many
Absent or very small and undeveloped Larger and well developed
Conjunctive tissue
Parenchymatous Sclerenchymatous
Secondary growth
Secondary growth occurs Secondary growth does not occur
Present and formed by the Conjunctive parenchyma Absent
Usually tetrarch Polyarch
Comparatively Narrow Very wide
Older roots are covered by a Cork Older roots are covered by an Exodermis
Pea, beans, peanuts, etc. Maize, banana, palm, etc.
Monocotyledons or Monocot commonly refers to the flowering plants or angiosperms in which the seeds typically contain only one embryonic leaf or Cotyledon. Ginger, onions, wheat, and grass are the best examples of Monocotyledons
Dicotyledons or Dicot is generally referred to the flowering plants or angiosperms in which the seeds typically contain two embryonic leaves or cotyledon. All legumes, including beans, lentils, pea, and peanuts are the best examples of dicotyledons. There are around 1 lakh to 1.5 lakhs of different species of dicot plants.
The root system is the underground part of the plant, which plays an important role in the transportation of water and other essential mineral nutrition from the soil to different parts of the shoot system or aerial parts of the plant.
Also, read Anatomy of Monocot and Dicot Plants
Monocot Root
These plant roots have a comparatively wider, and fibrous root-like structure.
Dicot Root
These plant roots have a comparatively narrow, and tap root-like structure.
Normally, dicots and monocots differ in four aspects which include stems, flowers, leaves, and roots. Here let us know more about the differences between a monocot and dicot roots of a plant.
The Dicot and Monocot Roots are distinguished mainly based on the structure of the root. The important difference between Dicot and Monocot roots have been discussed below:
Difference Between Dicot And Monocot Root
Dicot Root
Monocot Root
Gives rise to cork cambium, parts of the vascular cambium, and lateral roots Gives rise to lateral roots only
Vascular Tissues
Has a limited number of Xylem and Phloem Has a higher number of Xylem and Phloem
Shape of Xylem
Angular or Polygonal Round or Oval
Number of Xylem and Phloem
2 to 8 8 to many
Absent or very small and undeveloped Larger and well developed
Conjunctive tissue
Parenchymatous Sclerenchymatous
Secondary growth
Secondary growth occurs Secondary growth does not occur
Present and formed by the Conjunctive parenchyma Absent