Science, asked by scratch16, 1 year ago

what are the ways to save resources??​


Answered by Anonymous


Avoid the use of toxic chemicals.

Stop littering.

Say no to plastic.

Prepare Compost pits at your house.

Reduce the use of processed food.

Recycle as much as you can.

Reduce the consumption of meat or buy meat from local farms.

Answered by PcEdu21


  • Turn off the faucet/taps when not in use while brushing, bathing, washing clothes, dishes, etc.
  • Do not flush chemicals, sprays, medicine, and other toxins as they contaminate groundwater, rivers, lakes, and
  • Reduce shower time.
  • Install water-efficient showerheads, toilet flush and other appliances at homes or business.
  • Reuse Graywater for watering plants and flushing toilets.
  • Ensure that there is not any leakage.
  • Practice rainwater harvesting.
  • Install water treatment plants and seawater desalination plants.
  • Do not water dry lands or during the daytime.
  • Use water sprinkler for lawns.
  • Stop dumping of waste and garbage in rivers, lakes, and It is very harmful to the aquatic ecosystem and also for humans.
  • Take care of beaches and seashores.
  • Less use of plastics as it gets to mix with water bodies.
  • Make sustainable and safe seafood choices for the conservation of oceans. Do not demand species that are overexploited.
  • Practice a Drip irrigation system to avoid excessive evaporation and excessive use of water in irrigation.
  • Read More on Water treatment plant and its importance to earth.
  • Ways to Conserve Energy natural resources

  • Check out the ways by which you can conserve energy-
  • Unplug the electric appliances like chargers, irons, hair dryers, water heaters, etc when not in use.
  • The switch of the light, fan and other appliances when you leave a room.
  • Less use of Air conditioners.
  • Use LEDs instead of light bulbs.
  • Install energy-efficient electric appliances at homes and offices.
  • Do not leave electric appliances on standby mode.
  • Take the stairs instead of lifts it will be a good exercise.
  • Make sure your houses are properly insulated as a maximum of heat is lost due to improper insulation.
  • Reduce your carbon footprint by installing solar panels.
  • Try to make use of renewable sources of energy like solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, biogas, etc.
  • Ways to Conserve Forest natural
  • Here are the following ways by which forests can be conserved-
  • Protect forests from fire.
  • Stop commercial deforestation, however, practices like selective cutting, clear-cutting and shelterwood cutting are beneficial.
  • Governments should regulate the commercial use of forest and forest products.
  • Proper utilization of Forest products like wood, medicines,
  • Protect forests from unorganized grazing and overgrazing.
  • Plant more trees. Support afforestation.
  • Make less use of paper and think before you waste a paper as papers are made from trees.
  • Print or write on both sides of the paper.
  • Try recycling of paper.
  • Read More on the Forest:  Conservation of Forest: Way & Importance
  • Ways to Conserve Soil natural resources
  • Plant more trees and stop soil erosion.
  • Maintain the pH level of the soil.
  • Reduce the use of excess fertilizers and chemicals.
  • Crop rotation also works better for soil conservation.

  • Ways to Conserve Fossil Fuel natural resources
  • Fossil fuels like petroleum products and natural gas are limited natural resources and should be used wisely. Here are the ways by which you can conserve fuel-
  • Avoid idling
  • Always buy fuel-efficient Automobiles
  • Make maximum use of public transportation.
  • Use Air conditioners in the car only when necessary.
  • Regular maintenance of vehicles.
  • Avoid rash and aggressive driving.
  • Practice carpooling and encourage others too.
  • Transportation of oil should be done through oil pipelines instead of ships as they are the major reason for contaminating the oceans by oil spills.
  • Also Read: How to save the earth by uses of solar energy
  • Ways to conserve Minerals natural resources
  • Minerals are a non-renewable source of energy. Following are the ways by which minerals can be conserved-
  • Efficient and planned utilization of minerals.
  • Use of minerals in a sustainable manner.
  • Proper recycling of minerals
  • Use of alternative renewable substitutes.
  • Use of improved technology for the optimum utilization of low-grade
  • Other ways to conserve and save natural resources
  • Avoid the use of toxic chemicals.
  • Stop littering.
  • Say no to plastic.
  • Prepare Compost pits at your house.
  • Reduce the use of processed food.
  • Recycle as much as you can.
  • Reduce the consumption of meat or buy meat from local farms.
  • Proper treatment of household and industrial waste.
  • Use Eco-friendly building materials to build a new home and suggest others also for the same.
  • Save Natural Resources
  • Follow the different ways and conserve natural resources and try to give back some amount of the resource to mother Earth.
  • Your little effort is enough to make a big change providing you should be determined and passionate about saving this planet and conserving its natural resources.
  • There are still a lot of ways to save natural resources and preserving them. if you want to add some here, then you can suggest to us in the comment box below and we will take a look at it for sure.
  • Till then, do every bit to save valuable resources and create awareness by sharing this post with friends.

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