Computer Science, asked by harshitq, 8 months ago

what are their names in MS Paint what are the shapes name ​



Answered by suneelgoli


Basic Shapes

Rectangle & Rounded Rectangle



Trapezoid & Parallelogram

Triangle & Right Angle Triangle

Polygons & Stars

Pentagon (5), Hexagon (6), Heptagon (7) & Octagon (8)

Three-point Star, Four-point Star, Five-point Star & Six-point Star


Arrow & Notched Arrow

Pentagon Arrow & Chevron Arrow


Rectangular Callout & Rounded Rectangle Callout

Ellipse Callout

Cloud Callout


Lightning Bolt

Check Mark




Answered by ushmagaur


1. Line     2. Curve       3. Oval        4. Rectangle     5. Rounded rectangle

6. Polygon     7. Triangle           8. right triangle         9. diamond

10. Pentagon    11. Hexagon    12. Right arrow        13. Left arrow

14. Up arrow     15. Down arrow      16. Four-point star

17. Five-point star    18. Six-point star   19. Rounded rectangular callout

20. Oval callout        21. Cloud callout


Consider the shapes from left to right.

1. A line which has length but no width. It is made up of set of points.

2. A curve is continuous and smooth line without any sharp turns. It can bend in any direction.

3. An oval is a closed curve which is originated from the Latin word ovum - meaning egg shape.

4. A rectangle has 4 angles each of 90^0 whose opposite sides are equal.

5. A rounded rectangle is a rectangle which do not have sharp edges.

6. A polygon is a 2-dimensional geometric figure which has finite no. of sides.

7. A triangle is a plane figure which has 3 angles and 3 sides.

8. A right triangle in which 1 interior angle is of 90^0.

9. A diamond is a quadrilateral with 4 straight sides.

10. A pentagon has five sides with 5 angles.

11. A hexagon is a closed shape which has 6 equal sides and 6 equal angles.

12. Right arrow is used to indicate the direction towards right side.

13. Left arrow is used to indicate the direction towards left side.

14. Up arrow is used to indicate the direction towards upward.

15. Down arrow is used to indicate the direction towards downward.

16.A four-point star has 4 vertices.

17. A five-point star has 5 vertices.

18. A six-point star has 6 vertices.

19. A rounded rectangular callout is a label used for explanations in presentation in rounded rectangle shape.

20. An oval callout is a label used for explanations in presentation in oval shape.

21. A cloud callout is a label used for explanations in presentation in cloud shape.


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