what are thread like structure that develops in bread mould? what do the tiny blob-on-a stick structures at the top represent and what do they contain?What happens when these structures come in contact with other moist surface?
The answers of the given questions are below:
Answer of the 1st part:
• The thread like structures that develops in bread mould are the hyphae.
• These are filamentous type of structure which are long and appearance like a thread.
• This structure is a part of the vegetative structure of fungi.
•This structures collectively are referred to as mycelium.
Answer of the 2nd part:
• The tiny blob on a stick structure at the top is the sporangia.
• This structure contains numerous spores inside it.
• Spores are essential for asexual reproduction of fungi.
Answer of the 3rd part:
• When the spores of the structures comes in contact with other moist surface, these germinates and grows into gametophyte.
• A new individuals is then formed.
Asexual reproduction takes place through spore formation in __________.
a) Spirogyra. b) Yeast. c) Hydra. d) Bread mould.
Magnified view of the bread mould: