Biology, asked by aathrav3859, 1 year ago

What are transuranic plants explain with 2 example 12th hsc?


Answered by sachinandmahesh12345

magine if you had the power to throw sugar at jello and the jello turned it into a cookie. That would be pretty amazing, don't you think? Well, we have the technology to do something similar to and as amazing as this, but not with food. We can create new elements by adding particles to the nuclei of atoms. Let's figure out what this is all about!

Atomic Number

The atomic number of an element tells us how many protons it contains in its nucleus. The most basic element that exists is hydrogen. Hydrogen has one proton. If we added another proton to hydrogen's nucleus, it wouldn't be hydrogen anymore. It would be helium because helium has two protons in its nucleus. This tells us the atomic number of an element defines what element it is. No two elements have the same atomic number.

Uranium is an element with atomic number 92. The prefix ''trans'' means ''beyond'' so the transuranium elements are those with atomic numbers greater than 92. There are only 26 elements that fit into this category. Of these, the only elements that have been observed in nature are neptunium and plutonium, which have atomic numbers 93 and 94, respectively. The rest of them are made synthetically.

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