What are tuples and dictionaries in Python?
A tuple is a data structure that is an immutable, or unchangeable, ordered sequence of elements. Because tuples are immutable, their values cannot be modified.
A Python dictionary is a mapping of unique keys to values. Dictionaries are mutable, which means they can be changed. The values that the keys point to can be any Python value.
What is Tuple?
Tuple is list of immutable objects. Means we can't change them, but their values may change.
tuple_of_names = ('Ajay', 'Nitiz', 'Pankaj);
we can fetch the friend using following syntax
What are dictionaries in Python?
In Python Dictionaries are just like associative array of php. Actually they are just like tuples but if w have to access the value of dictionary then we use key instead of index, but we can mutate it.
We can make a dictionary with the help of dict() constructor
this_is_dict = dict(friendOne="Ajay", friendTwo="Nitiz", friendThree="Pankaj");
we can fetch particular friend by using following syntax:
suppose we want to fetch Nitiz, syntax will be
print(this_is_dict ["friendTwo"]);
So main difference is:
1.) Tuples are index based but dictionaries are key based
2.) Tuples are immutable whereas Dictionaries are mutable.