English, asked by sayedbadshah258, 7 months ago

what are two modes of perception according to Cleanth Brooks​


Answered by REDPLANET


Cleanth Brooks, an eminent New Critic, advocates the centrality of paradox as a way of understanding and interpreting poetry, in his best-known works, The Language of Paradox, The Well Wrought Urn (1947) and Modern Poetry and the Tradition (1939). Brooks helped to formulate formalist criticism by emphasizing “the interior life of a poem” and codifying the principles of close reading. In The Language of Paradox, Brooks establishes the crucial role of paradox-by demonstrating that paradox is “the language appropriate and inevitable to poetry!’ This is because referential language is incapable of representing the specific message of a poet and the poet must “make up his language as he goes,” since words are mutable and, meaning shifts when words are placed in relation to one another.

Hope this helps u.../

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