What are ultrasonic waves?Name two animal which can produce ultrasonic waves.
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these are the waves which are invincible and used in many purpose by animals
on such animal which can produce ultrasonic waves are bats
on such animal which can produce ultrasonic waves are bats
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★ Appropriate Question :-
- Give the names of any two animals that produce ultrasonic sounds and explain how they use these sound waves .
★ Required Answer :-
- There are many animals which use echolocation or produce ultrasonic sounds like Bats, Elephants, Dolphins, Beluga Whales, moths and Owls. They use this for their personal purposes like location and travelling . Mostly these animals use the method of echolocation and thus have hearing capacity of above 20 kHz which helps them to hear these types of sounds.
⠀⠀⚛ Dolphins ⚛
- Dolphins use echolocation which helps them to locate different objects and things in water. For communication purposes they produce many different types of sounds whistling, crackling, continuous clicking, etc. which is produced using high vocal pichtes so that other dolphins can understand it. The pods present on the front part of dolphins help them to decipher these ultrasonic sound waves emitted by other dolphins by which they can understand that who is emitting that.
- They can produce this sound by thei mouths. When dolphins produce these sound, these sound waves travel in the medium in forms of waves. Other objects can't understand it thus they cannot even feel it especially those who don't have capacity to hear ultrasonic sounds. These waves when reach to the body of other objects/animals does not completely páss through their body. Instead some get reflected back and reach back to dolphins. When these waves reach back, they can derive different information from these waves.
- Their brain functioning is set up in such a way that whenever they receive this echo (reflected back sound wave) then they can make a visual and virtual image of object from which it reflected. Even the time taken by the echo to return gives dolphins information that at how much distance is the object.
- This echolocation helps them to contact with each other, locate food and cliffs, travel, etc.
⠀⠀⠀⚛ Bats ⚛
- Bats work in a similar way like dolphins. They too use this echolocation to determine many things. Bats when emit the ultrasonic sound waves, then these waves travel in medium in the form of waves in different directions. When the body of an animal especially insects, these waves cannot completely páss through their body and hence some part of it gets reflected back. When this echo (reflected back sound) reach to the bats, they absorb it back and thus these signals go into its brain.
- Thus their brain transforms this information and derives details about objects from which it was reflected back. They can form virtual and visual image, find the distance between them and object and thus locate their food. Bats use this ultrasonic sound waves especially echolocation for many purposes. This is because they have negligible eyesight. The reason is because they have eyesight which works feebly in day time and at day time bats sleep and take rest. At night, their eyesight becomes zero and thus they cannot see anything. Hence they use this technique for different purposes.
⠀⠀⠀☯ Echolocation ☯
- It is the process by which different organisms locate different things by echo especially ultrasonic sounds.
⠀⠀☯ Ultrasonic Sounds ☯
- These are sound waves that are not heard but humans but most of the animals. These are very high frequency sound which has frequency of 20 kHz and above.
⠀⠀⠀☯ Whistle Sound ☯
- These are sharp and high tone sounds mostly has same frequency throughout.
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