What are ways by which we can conserve energy at home
• There are various ways in which energy can be conserved in our homes, some of which are simple habits like switching off the fans, television, etc when not required.
• We need to conserve the energy expenditure because it is invariably linked with the amount of carbon emissions produced by us. So, if we want to cut the carbon emissions we need to conserve energy.
• In home, we can start by simply switching off the fans, televisions, lights, and other electrical appliances when it is not in use.
• The type of bulbs which we use in our homes can also help us to conserve energy. We can replace the traditional bulbs with CFLs which reduces the energy usage by nearly 80%
• We can also buy electrical appliances which consumes less electricity while functioning.
• We can use solar panels or solar powered appliances to reduce our reliance to the traditional sources of energy.
• These are some of the ways in which we can conserve energy in our homes.
1) Turn off the light, AC and fan when you leave the room.
2) Wash your clothes in cold water.
3) By using double grazed windows.
4) Unplug devices when they are not in use.
5) Replace your bulbs and seal the leaks.
6) Wash dishes with hands.
7) Close doors and curtains.
8) Insulate your home.