What are weeds? Why are they harmful? Give 2 e.g. of weeds
The unwanted plant grow naturally with the main crop is called weeds. They compete with main crop for water, food , sunlight , nutrients and even space...
eg=doob grass, gajar ghas
The damages caused by them are as under: 1. Reduction in crop yield:- Weeds compete with crops for water, nutrients and light. Being hardy and vigorous in growth habit, they grow faster then crops and consume large amount of water and nutrients, thus causing heavy losses in yields
hi your answer
Weeds reduce farm and forest productivity, they invade crops, smother pastures and in some cases can harm livestock. They aggressively compete for water, nutrients and sunlight, resulting in reduced crop yield and poor crop quality. ... Weeds contaminate produce, for example: Burrs in wool contaminate fleeces.