What areThree ways in which employment can minimize emotional stress?
One of the major causes of work related stress is the impact of managers and their skills to manage staff and stress in the work place. As a leader it is critical you keep a lid on your own emotions - don’t let negativity, anger or stress rub off on your employees. Practice what you preach and ensure you give yourself enough time to de-stress at the end of the working day – go for a run, enjoy quality time with your family or arrange to socialise with friends. Likewise, organising walking meetings rather than meetings in the boardroom, taking regular breaks and booking holiday will not only put you in a better frame of mind, it will also show your employees that it’s okay to take some time out.
It has been said time and time again, but exercise and a healthy lifestyle is extremely important when it comes to combating workplace related stress. Employee wellness schemes, such as arranging for a discount at local gyms for your employees or simply organising a lunchtime running club is a good way to help employees unwind and feel better about themselves.
Open communication is critical in leadership - keeping employees up to date regarding changes, expectations and their own performance not only keeps them on track but also reduces feelings of stress and anxiety – after all, there is nothing worse than being kept in the dark. As a manager be sure to keep your team abreast of the latest developments and departmental changes. What’s more, open communication is a two way street and the more you communicate with your employees, the more likely they are to share concerns, ideas and thoughts making for much stronger working relationships and a healthier overall company culture.
Employment removes stress, improves standard of living and it makes one knowledgeable.
Three ways in which employment can minimise emotional stress are:
• Standard of living: Man is a social animal. As one gets employed his or her standard of living improves as now the purchasing power has increased. This increases that persons’ social value and status and hence reduces stress
• Money: As inflation is increasing, meeting day to day expenses can be a huge task especially for some one who is unemployed. Employment helps us meet our basic needs and requirements
• As it is rightly said empty mind is devil’s home. One who is sitting idle at home can have negative thoughts and feeling of worthlessness. Job will keep one busy and tension free .