Geography, asked by imjadhakeem6109, 1 year ago

What beauty of balance does the author see in antarctica and in the warm countries?


Answered by PPSPPs


Students on Ice’ is an educational journey to Antarctica. It takes high school students to show themthe horrifying impacts of human activities in Antarctica so that the youngsters, the future policymakers of the earth, will realize that the end of the earth is quite near and therefore something is tobe done to save the planet.Why did Geoff Green decide to take high school students to Antarctica?Geoff Green didn’t find any good in taking curious celebrities to Antarctica until he thought of takinghigh school students. He believed the young vibrancy in them would easily understand theseriousness of the threat that poses the earth by visiting Antarctica and would act their bit to savethe planet from further deterioration.Why is Students on Ice a success?When one stands in the midst of the calving ice-sheets and retreating glaciers and melting ice-bergs, he realizes that the threats to the earth are real. It is different from talking about Antarcticafrom the comfort zones of our warm countries and therefore being in Antarctica is a shockingrealization.What does the parable of phytoplankton teach us?Phytoplankton is a single-celled grass that feed the entire southern ocean’s marine life. These microorganisms require a low degree of temperature for their survival. But due to the overheating and thedepletion of ozone layers, their existence is threatened. The message for the humans is to take careof the small things so that the bigger things will also fall in place.What beauty of balance does the author see in Antarctica and in the warm countries?While in Antarctica the author saw crab-eater seals having sun-bath on the ice-floes much like thestray dogs sleep under the shade of trees in the warmer countries. While the polar animals prefer abit of warmth, the tropical ones desire a bit cool. The author believes that the earth has a balancingof climatic variations and after millions of years the Polar Regions will once again become warmer and the warmer will turn cooler.‘In that short amount of time we have managed to create quite a ruckus…’ Explain. OR, What is thehuman impact on Antarctica?Humans came to the earth’s scene just twelve thousand years ago which is comparatively a secondin the geological clock. Yet the destruction we have created on the planet is countless. We havemade this planet almost a scorching desert by way of deforestation for our developmental works. Allthese consequences are affecting the Antarctic regions even though we have not started anydestructive works there.How is Antarctica significant in climatic debates?Antarctica is a continent that has a landmass with miles deep ice, layers over layers. In each of those layers lie millions of years old carbon records of the organisms that existed since thebeginning of the earth. While pondering over the issue of the future of the earth, these carbonrecords will shed light on the past and enable the scientist to co-relate the past, present and future.What is the significance of the title, ‘Journey to the End of the Earth?

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