Political Science, asked by tanvi1707, 11 months ago

What can be done to improve education in India and in Indian states?

Don't write useless answer.​


Answered by vaibhav9669

Addition of subjects: At least 8–10 Sports (out of all the sports events listed in the Olympics or such platforms) should be added and given due weightage (100 marks) along with Music, Dance,theaters, Cookery, other skill based subjects. This can be applied right from the 5th grade. There should be only 5 subjects out of which one should be above mentioned. Later, the specialisation can be done as the child upgrades/advances to new class.

Deletion of subjects: The subjects, in which the child is not comfortable, should be deleted. I have seen children struggling in mathematics in junior level but they have to drag themselves till 10th class. Later in 11th and 12th they choose different streams like science, commerce etc but they are forced to study English. I have seen many sharp brains on dying on the gallows of English literature. I don’t see any need of literature for the child who wants to pursue career in medical/ engineering! (Until you want to become Chetan Bhagat ;))

Specialisation: The students should be given specialised knowledge of the subject in grade 11 and 12. Just think how much an interested student can gain by learning Calculus in the intermediate level and then higher level in college!

Updating the teaching staff: The board should supervise and upgrade the management and teachers from time to time. We have seen feedback system where child gives feedback about the teacher but not the other way round. The other way round has to be always goody goody. BS. The feedback should be both ways and it should be done in healthy way not on the purpose of downplaying/ demeaning anyone. Just like Finland, why can’t our teachers be given a positive feedback and then positive reinforcement? Perhaps we shall be able to achieve zero drop out rate just like Finland, if we also have tolerant and educated teachers like them.

Punishment/ Correction Home: As mean of correction of behaviour, every school should be equipped with a correction home just like mandatory infirmary.

Cap on fee: Though parents have moved to court on this issue yet on the grounds, they are paying heavy fee. I strongly believe that there should be a limit for the fee charged from the parents.

Basic Education: The board can ensure mandatory 30% students BPL through their officers eg. DEO under whom perhaps he/she can station 2–3 officials in each school throughout the year for the observation of rules laid by CBSE. It will create 2–3 new post in every school, pretty helpful in employment.

Fair selection: Correct education is so much needed and to achieve it the selection of teacher has to be fair so that eligible and not approached teachers become convener of education.

Dignity of labour: It is the need of hour to teach the children that each skill adds value to society, right from sewing boots to making rockets and we should not look down upon any job! Weekly cleaning of class/ school by the students, the shoes, cutting/ chopping of vegetables etc can be a regular feature. The students coming from high income family have no soft spots for the classmates. This can only be achieved by bringing the value of Dignity of Labour.

Regular exchange: Recently there are so many activities pertaining to exchange of ideas among students on international or interstate level. Lots of MUN sessions are being organised now but I really want the same kind of exchange between government and private schools too. The students, teachers should be motivated to exchange classes, resources among CBSE, IGSCE, ICSE, State Board level for better perspective.

Answered by arushkatkar14

Ways To Improve The Indian Education System

Skill-based Learning. ...

Rural Education. ...

Gender Neutral Education. ...

Teacher Training. ...

Infrastructure. ...

Subsidising Professional Courses. ...

Basic Computing In Rural Areas. ...

Make Sports Compulsory.

A great majority of the engineers that are produced in the country today are unemployable. All of these cumulatively hint at the fact that there is indeed something that is wrong with the Indian education system. This article throws light at some of the ways in which we can bring about a change by improving the education system.

• Skill-based Learning

As of now, the Indian education system is such that everyone is forced to study science and math. If this system can be revamped to identify the strengths of a student, then they can be given appropriate training in the chosen field. This will ensure that the child shines in that particular field.

• Rural Education

A sad thing about the Indian education system is the fact that its focus is only on urban clusters. There are hardly any decent centres of learning in the rural areas. This is especially true in terms of higher education. If a country has to actually develop, urban and rural development have to go hand in hand.

• Gender Neutral Education

The Indian education system has always favoured men over the fairer sex. The major change that must be brought about is to involve women in the same. Particularly subjects that are now considered to be the strength of men alone (like carpentry, engineering, etc.) should be made more accessible to women. Pioneer women in these fields should be given due encouragement and appreciation.

• Teacher Training

India has a very good quality of dedicated teachers. However, the sad fact here is the fact that after they join this service, they receive little or no training. In such a situation, giving them periodic training will not just ensure that they are updated with the changing times, but will also improve the entire education scene of the country by leaps and bounds.

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