English, asked by aarnajoshi, 9 months ago

what can be the alternative ending to the chapter the horse and two goats by R. K. Narayan?


Answered by krishavachhani2006


the story is set in the smallest town of India - kritam! and Narayan creates a truly mismatched picture of an American and a village man conversing with each other .

the American wants to buy a horse statue which initially doesn't belong to muni but the American believes it to be his . he gives him a 100 rupee note without knowing the absolute fact ... Muni mistakenly thinks that the price is for his 2 goats.

he leaves his goat grazing there . and creeps into the house showing his wife his earning of the day but she doesn't believe him and feels he's been stealing while on the other hand the American takes the statute away leaving goats behind . muni's wife starts scolding him for stealing and thinks that the police will be arriving on the spot soon . she's thoroughly surprised and astonished and doesn't believe her husband .

at the moment the two goats return making her wife more suspicious . hence we can say that this story ends on a note of excitement and joy for muni though not too god. it's a mixture of joy and other emotions while his wife is throughout surprised



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