What can i write for a science essay?
What a Good Science Essay Structure Looks Like
Introduce the topic. ...
Review the relevant literature. ...
Present the proper data. ...
Interpret your Explain your findings and relate them to the thesis. ...
Present any conflicting arguments and state why the view you promote is more acceptable
Here are the points to write on:
● Science: Introduction (Write a good introduction for the first impression.)
● Advantages:
• Transport (A good thing to start with.)
• Communication
• Entertainment
• Medicine
● Disadvantages: (Start like 'Every coin has two faces.')
• Warfare
• Weapons
• Cyber Crime
• Pollution
●Conclusion (End with some inspiring lines and a quote like this...
"The good thing about science is that it is truth whether or not you believe in it." - Neil deGrass Tyson.)