Social Sciences, asked by Coolboy7833, 1 year ago

What can I write in acknowledgement of disaster management file?


Answered by lakshmipathiklp
What is disaster management?

You might want to check out for more information onthis. There are many categories of disaster management and eachhaving different degrees of coverage. In general disaster managemnt is the identification, control andremediation of major accidents, weather events, fires and similarproblems which impact people or infrastructure. We all face "small" disasters and apply these same steps. Assumeyou are painting a wall and drop the open can of paint - ahousehold disaster. You immediately see where the paint landed, theamount spilt, where it splattered and valuable or vulnerable obectsthat would have to be dealt with first (This is the identifiicationstep which gives you an idea of the work that will be required tocontrol the problem). You next step would be to set the canupright, move the cat to safety, stop the paint from draining downthe floor vent, and get all the rags and paper towels along withgarbage bags tiogether to clean up the mess (this is the controlstage). The remediation is the cleaning up of the pools of paint,washing out the rugs, calming your spouse, and returning things tonormal. The final stage is to review the incident to see what youcould have done better to prevent the incident or minimize thedamage.

What is disaster managementand more about disaster management?

various means of communication used by Goct during disaster. various means of communication used by Goct during disaster

How do you write an acknowledgement to a suggestion to a manager?

Managers of businesses are often given suggestions about how toimprove the business. Employees should acknowledge thesesuggestions after they are written.

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