what care should be taken by the people who use fire firewood coal for cooking at home
Use dry firewood from trees with less smoke. Pre-heat the jiko to raise temperature inside the fire box, then use only 1-2 sticks at a time during cooking. Plan to cook more than one food at a time to save on fuel wood. Cover the cooking pot to reduce cooking time.
Drying: As the biomass heats up and approaches 100° C, excess moisture contained in the biomass changes from liquid into water vapour. Excess moisture evaporates into the atmosphere and leaves a solid dry biomass behind.
Pyrolysis: At temperatures beyond 300° C, biomass starts to pyrolyse (translation: ‘break apart by fire’). Increased temperatures eventually cause a complete conversion of the biomass into volatile vapours and a solid residue called char. The vapours contain various carbon compounds with fuel value, referred to as ‘wood-gas’. Since the solid by-product of this process is char, mostly composed of pure carbon, the process is also termed ‘carbonisation’