What category of challenge did Nepal face during 2006 ?support your answer with examples.
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This paper explores some of the key issues and challenges of government HIV/AIDS prevention and treatmentprogramme in Nepal. Providing HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment services in Nepal is associated with a number ofissues and challenges which are shaped mostly on cultural and managerial issues from grass root to policy level.Numerous efforts have been done and going on by Nepal government and non-government organization but still HIVprevention and treatment service is not able to reach all the most at risk populations because cultural issues andmanagerial issues are obstructing the services. The existing socio-cultural frameworks of Nepal do not provide anenvironment for any safe disclosure for person who is HIV infected. Thus, there is an urgent need to address thoseissues and challenges and strengthen the whole spectrums of health systems through collaborative approach to achievethe millennium development goals. It will be the purpose of this paper to contribute to the policy makers by exploringthe pertinent issues and challenges in the HIV/AIDS programme.
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