what caused desprration to god
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The church is home to many catch cries, banners and phrases. Some of them can land Christians in hot-water for using “Christianese”—insider language that boxes out newcomers. Then there are the catchphrases that come under fire fromwithinthe church community for onereason or another.One such catch cry I have noticed in songs and church ministries is the idea of being “desperate for God.” The very phrase echoes in my heart as being true—something God wants us to strive for; a truth Ibelieve comes straight from the Bible.I first want to make one thing very clear, though: I do not believe that this statement refers to being desperate for God toshowup. While the Bible is littered with calls for God to come down, show up, attend and innumerable other variations on a theme; I trust in the words of Jesus that say, “Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Matthew 18:20) and the words of God to the prophet Isaiah, “Do not fear, for I am with you.” (Isaiah 41:10)Being desperate for God isn’t aboutacquiringHis presence in our lives—we must already believe that God will always be with us and the Holy Spirit will accompany us everywhere. It’s about knowing Healreadyexists in our lives—this desperate needfor God stems from already having a relationship with Him, and wanting more
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