Economy, asked by ramyaraga361, 1 year ago

What Caused the Industrial Revolution?
Although there are many factors at play in causing the Industrial Revolution, the economic answer to this question has yet to be sussed out. However, no event has a single cause — the Civil War was not wholly caused by slavery and World War I was not wholly caused by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.

This is a question without a solution, as events have numerous causes and determining which ones were more important than others naturally involves some subjectivity. While some might argue that a strong middle-class, mercantilism and the development of an empire, and an easily moveable and growing urban population who increasingly believed in materialism led to the Industrial Revolution in England, others might argue the country's isolation from European continental problems or the nation's common market led to this growth.​


Answered by simarsran1975


Arnold toynee caused the Industrial revolution

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