what causes corrosion in buildings and bridge
Too much humidity or condensation of water vapour on metal surfaces are the primary causes of corrosion. Corrosive gases such as chlorine, hydrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur oxides, amongst others can result in corrosion of parts of electronic equipment, etc. Corrosion can also occur due to hydrogen and oxygen exposure.
A variety of metals are used in buildings in many different ways. It is for this reason that the problems of corrosion in buildings cover a very wide range. In this brief article only an outline or classification of the main problems can be given, along with the basic principles, to guide the designer in his efforts to reduce the huge economic loss caused by corrosion. For specific information on the practical problems of corrosion the reader is directed to the extensive work of the various corrosion committees of the ASTM and of the British Iron and Steel Research Association. The National Association of Corrosion Engineers has published the results of much research in the field of corrosion.
Corrosion technology is now well established and is taking its place as another branch of engineering.