English, asked by Angelica58, 7 months ago

What change should be made in this sentence?
example:Teaching kids and adults are what some are called to do!

a.change adults to adult's

b.it should not be changed

c.change are to is

d. change teaching to teaching


Answered by SwankeyGirl4567

Hlo !! Here's Ur Answer ⬇️

b is the right answer....it shouldn't be changed


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Answered by bharathparasad577



When there is more than one subject per verb in a sentence, the subjects combine to form a compound subject.


  • Compound subjects can be singular, plural, or a combination of the two: "and," "or" (sometimes "either...or"), and "nor" (sometimes "neither...nor") can also be used to join compound subjects.
  • It can be difficult to decide which verb to use.

The following are the general guidelines:

  • A compound subject whose parts are joined by and usually take a plural verb whether they are plural or singular:
  • A compound subject composed of two singular parts joined by or or nor accepts a singular verb.
  • A compound subject composed of one singular and one plural part joined by or or nor must use a verb whose number corresponds to the number of the part of the subject closest to the verb.

These rules are subject to two exceptions.

Exception 1. When the parts of a compound subject are joined by "and" but  considered to be a single unit, they require a singular verb rather than a plural verb.

Exception 2. When the parts of a compound subject are joined by "and" but the subject is modified by the words "each" or "every", the subject takes a singular verb, not a plural verb.

Hence,change are to is  as the verb indicates the compound subject joined by "and" which is being represented  as single unit.


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