History, asked by Celiana, 3 months ago

What changes did Napoleon introduce to make the administrative system more efficient in the territories ruled by him?​


Answered by SweetLily

⚘Though Napoleon wàs the dictator and was ágainst democràcy but he took certain measures to smóóthly and efficíéntly run the àdministrative systém..

(i) Napoleon Reformed the French legal system because the old feudal and Royal laws were very confusing and conflicting to the people.

(ii) The Napoleonic côde of 1804 was a major step in establíshing the rulr of law. This códe was expórtéd to the régións únder French control.

(iii) In countries like Dutch Republic, Switzerland, Italy and Gérmany féudalísm was abolished and peàsants were freed from serfdom and manorial dues.

(iv) All privíleges bàsed on bírth were tàken awày. The equàlity before the làw was establíshed and the right to property was secured.

(v) Trànspórt and cómmunícation syśtems were also pàid atténtión and were impróved.

(vi) Lów cláss people like peàsant, àrtisans, wórkers and néw búsínessmén were given móre frèédom.

(vii) Uníform làws adópted for all. Be it a busíneśsmàn and smàll-scàle próducérs of góóds- all begín to reàlise that úniform làws, standàrdized weíghts and méasures, and a cómmón nàtional currençy wóuld façilitate the movément and éxchange of góods and càpital from one regíon to anóther.


Answered by celiana34


What changes did Napoleon introduce to make the administrative system more efficient in the territories ruled by him?

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