Biology, asked by anirudhmunna3, 1 month ago

what changes happens to uterus of the time of child brith​


Answered by sprajwal1526s2


The cervix is actually a part of the uterus, but made up of different tissue. During pregnancy, the cervix is thick and closed. As you approach the time of birth, your contractions draw the cervix up into the body of the uterus, and it becomes thinner (called effacement) and opens (called dilation)

Answered by samreen01lm


At the time of childbirth, the uterus starts contracting more intense from the top of the uterus to the bottom of the cervix pushing the baby into the birth canal thereby leading to the birth.


The uterus is also called the womb. It is a pear-shaped, hollow and muscular organ that is part of the female reproductive tract. It has many roles which involve the implantation of the foetus, gestation, labour and menstruation. It comprises 3 parts: the fundus, the body and the cervix.

The main function of the uterus is to provide nourishment to the growing fetus throughout the pregnancy. As the fetus keeps growing the size of the uterus changes drastically.

False contractions begin in the mid-way of the pregnancy and continue till the birth which prepares the uterus for the child's birth. These false contractions are not very painful and keep progressing in their intensity till the end of the pregnancy.

During the phase of true contractions, the muscles of the uterus begin to contract to help the baby to move down into the birth canal. The labour contractions begin as a wave from the top of the uterus and progress down to the cervix. The contractions become stronger, intense and regular leading to the birth of the child.

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