English, asked by yashasvinsingam, 1 year ago

what character should be their to be a right humanity person/best person?...
first answer will be marked as the brainllist

yashasvinsingam: need explanation


Answered by DeshiChhora
Access the best humanity quotes now. ... You' ll also discover some words about selfishness , human rights, society and ... Each person must live their life as a model for others.
Answered by shaikh12366




1. Joy

Also known as: Gratitude; optimism; cheerfulness; hope; humor; satisfaction; and appreciation.

If joy could speak, she would say: ‘Life is good. It is great to be here and to be me. This is fun.’

I am sure we can all agree that without joy, life is pretty gloomy.

2. Kindness

Also known as: Compassion; generosity; patience; service; warmth; and sensitivity.

If kindness could speak, she would say: ‘I take your feelings and wellbeing as seriously as my own. You and I aren’t separate. We’re all in this together.

3. Humility

Also known as: Modesty; ego less ness ; simplicity; deference; and respect.

If humility could speak, she would say: ‘I don’t know. Everyone has the ability to teach me something. It’s always possible to know more.’

4. Equanimity

Also known as: Peacefulness; temperance; patience; tolerance; acceptance; resilience; and fortitude.

If equanimity could speak, she would say: ‘Although I am enjoying/not enjoying this, it is all temporary. I feel confident in handling life’s vicissitudes. The very moment is my teacher.’

5. Non attachment/Letting go

Also know as: Non-clinging; forgiveness; dispassion; non-attachment; forgiveness; and moderation.

If non-attachment could speak, she would say: ‘I am the only reliable source of happiness. This is out of my hands. I can only control my own actions and reactions.’

6. Trust

Also known as: Faith; acceptance; openness; willingness and hope.

If trust could speak, she would say: ‘Even if this doesn’t make sense now, it will. Life flows better when I see purpose in random events. There is something larger and beyond my comprehension.’

Having trust is having the attitude that life is happening for you, not to you. Without trust, we adopt negative interpretations. Trust tells us that there is something good to be learned or gained from any situation.

7. Calmness/ tranquillity

Also known as: Serenity; calmness; non-reactivity; gentleness; peace; and acceptance.

If tranquillity could speak, she would say: ‘All is well.’

Tranquillity involves keeping your mind and heart calm. You take your time to perceive what’s going on and act purposefully, without agitation, without hurry, and without overreacting.

8. Courage

Also known as: Boldness; fearlessness; decisiveness; leadership; assertiveness; confidence; and magnanimity.

If courage could speak, she would say: ‘Although the consequences of this action might be painful, I want to do it/ it is the right thing.’

Courage is the ability to place our fears and feelings to one side, and see something through. For a few, it is the absence of fear – for most, it’s the willingness to act despite fear.

Lots of things in life take courage. It takes courage to be our authentic selves, to try something new, to change directions, to take a risk, to admit we are wrong, to have a difficult conversation, to trust yourself.

9. Discipline/focus

Also known as: Energy; enthusiasm; tenacity; passion; vitality; zeal; perseverance; willpower; determination; discipline; self-control; resolution; mindfulness; steadfastness; tenacity; and grit. Also includes focus.

If discipline could speak, she’d say: ‘However bad this gets, I’m committed to making it work.’

10. Autonomy

Also known as: Responsibility and self reliance.

If autonomy could speak, she’d say: ‘Only I am responsible for my happiness and wellbeing.’

Without having responsibility and autonomy, we are the victims of others with a stronger will.

Having autonomy is about being independent and reliant on yourself and not others to feel good. At its deepest level, it is acknowledging yourself as the creator of your reality.

11. Wisdom/ discernment

Also known as: Intelligence; discernment; insight; understanding; knowledge; transcendence; perspective; discrimination; contemplation; investigation; clarity; and vision.

If wisdom could talk, she’d say: ‘Let me contemplate deeply on this. Let me understand it from the inside out. Let me know myself.’

Unlike the other virtues listed so far, wisdom is not something that you can directly practice. Rather, it is the result of contemplation, introspection, study, and experience.

12. Integrity

Also known as: Having honor; truthfulness; sincerity; honesty; responsibility; reliability; loyalty; and dignity.

If integrity could talk, she’d say: ‘I will do what is right, according to my conscience, even if nobody is looking. I will choose thoughts and words based on my values, not on personal gains. I will be radically honest and authentic, with myself and others.’



yashasvinsingam: no,i cant because
yashasvinsingam: i already marked you because i need explanation
yashasvinsingam: :)
yashasvinsingam: full name?
yashasvinsingam: ok fine
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