Science, asked by psangeerthgeniu9127, 1 year ago

What characteristic of A vibrating body determines loudness


Answered by yashwanth112
Sound is a form of energy that travels in the form of vibrations through the air or any another medium.
Vibration is defined as a rapid to and fro or up and down movement about a mean position.
Vibrations travel through a medium such as air and reach our ears where they are interpreted by the brain as sound.
Human beings are capable of producing sound which originates from the larynx or the voice box in the neck. The sound produced is controlled by thin membranous structures known as vocal cords that stretch across the larynx.
The vibrating body can be- a stretched animal hide (as in drums and table), stretched strings (as in guitar and sitar), or air columns (as in flute or pipes).
Simple pendulum

You can produce slower vibration in a simple pendulum. It consists simply of a weight hanging by a thread. When the ball is given a small push, it performs to and fro movements which you can easily observe. These slow vibrations are also known as oscillations.
Characteristics of vibration

The important characteristics of vibrations are its frequency, amplitude and time period. These determine the characteristics of the sound produced.

The number of vibrations made by the vibrating body in one second is known as its frequency.
The SI unit of frequency is the hertz (Hz).

The maximum extent of vibration of the vibrating body from its mean position is known as its amplitude.
Time period:

The time taken by the vibrating body for one complete vibration is known as the time period of vibration. It is denoted by T.
T=1/f and f=1/T
Time period and frequency are reciprocals of each other.
Characteristics of sound

Sound can be characterized by the loudness, pitch and quality.

Based on the amplitude of a sound wave, we can determine the loudness of the sound. When the amplitude is high, it will produce a sound that is loud and when the amplitude is low, it will produce a sound that is soft.
Loudness is proportional to the square of the amplitude. This means that if the amplitude is doubled, the loudness increases four times.

Pitch denotes the shrillness or flatness of a sound. Sound can be high or low.
A woman’s voice generally has a high pitch than a man’s voice. This is because the frequency of a woman’s voice is higher.
Quality (Timbre):

The quality of a sound is that property by virtue of which two sounds of the same pitch and loudness produced by the two different musical instrument or people can be distinguished.
How sound travel?

Sound travels through a medium in the form of waves. When vibrations take place, they are transmitted through a medium and form alternate compression and rarefactions.
Compressions are regions in the medium where the particles are closer whereas rarefactions are regions in the medium where the particles are spread out.
Speed of sound:

The speed of sound changes with the change in medium. Speed also depends on the physical state and temperature of the medium. At higher temperature, the speed of sound is higher, while at lower temperature, the speed decreases.
The speed of sound is maximum in solids (5920m/s in steel), lesser in liquids (1480m/s in water) and minimum in gases (330m/s in air).
How does human hear sound?

Sound travels in the form of waves of vibrating air molecules. When these waves reach our ears we hear the sound.
The ear has three parts: Outer ear, Middle ear and Inner ear.
Outer Ear:

It consists of the pinna, ear canal, and the eardrum or the tympanum. The pinna gathers the sound waves and then leads to the ear canal from where they strike the eardrum.
Middle Ear:

The vibrations from the eardrum are transmitted to three closely-packed bones called the hammer, anvil and stirrup. These three bones finally transmit the vibrations to the inner ear.
Inner Ear:

This consists of cochlea, which is a long coiled tube. It contains a fluid and has numerous cells with hair. These sensitive hair cells transmit the vibrations to the brain through the audi
Answered by richanath455

Here is ur answer.

Amplitude is the characteristic of a vibrating body which determines the loudness produced by it.

Thank u.

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