English, asked by yk905388, 5 months ago

what characteristics of imagism do you find in Ezra pounds poem the coming of war Actaeon?​


Answered by shraddhagulve1234


Imagism is a type of poetry that describes images with simple language and great focus. It came out of the Modernist movement in poetry. In the early 1900s, poets abandoned the old ways of writing poems and created a new movement in poetry called Modernism. Modernist poets changed the style and content of poetry by abandoning rhyme and meter, among other things.

Some Modernist poets began to focus on imagery in poetry. In traditional poetry, images are described in great detail with many words, and then they are linked to a philosophical idea or theme. But some of the Modernist poets decided that the best way to write poetry was to describe things with simple and few words. In addition, many of them did not explicitly discuss the ideas and themes of the poem.

Imagist founder and poet Ezra Pound.

Ezra Pound Photo

Imagism is a subset of Modernism that focuses on simply described images and little more. In Imagist poetry, the writer does not talk about the themes behind the image; they let the image itself be the focus of the poem. There were many famous American Imagist poets, including Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams, H.D., and Amy Lowell.

The Rules of Imagism

Ezra Pound, one of the founders of Imagism, said that there were three tenets, or rules, to writing Imagist poetry.

Direct treatment of the subject. That is, the poem should deal directly with what's being talked about, not try to use fancy words and phrases to talk about it.

Use no word that does not contribute to the presentation. Use as few words as possible.

Compose in the rhythm of the musical phrase, not in the rhythm of the metronome. In other words, create new rhythms instead of relying on the old, boring ones.

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