Chemistry, asked by shipshivani, 1 year ago

what concentration of nitrogen should be present in a glass of water at room temperature . assume temperature of water is 25°can, if total pressure is 1 atm and mole fraction of nitrogen is 0.78.
Kh= 8.42× 10^-7 bar.


Answered by hernia


natural selection happened over a long period of time and the different processes that in the survival of those individuals from the population of plant or animal that are best adapted to the prevailing environmental conditions the survivor show a tendency to produce more of drinks that those less adapted enable them to adapt to the specific environment naturally occurring substances that are considered available in their natural or undefined form the warning of the average temperature of near Subway that air and the ocean the cyclic process of evaporation and condensation of the water and it is the distribution across that given by solar energy Marine Ecology is an aquatic Ecology bhej dominant environmental media around in Marian water

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