what cud b ways to increase concentration while studying?
1. Turn off your TV, radio and cell phone. Yes, I know, that’s really difficult.
2. Drink some water and eat a fruit, a snack, or a light meal, so that hunger will not disturb your focus. Do not eat a heavy meal before sitting down to study, because it will make you feel sleepy.
3. Sit down to study, but do so for only 20-30 minutes. Then, get up and do something else for a few minutes. Afterwards, return to study. This procedure will make you feel more relaxed, because you know that in a little while you can rest and do something else.
4. You also need to practice concentration exercises. Even a few minutes a day of exercising would improve your focus and your ability to concentrate on your studies.
5. If you wish, and find it helpful, you may play some calming and relaxing music in the background. Do not play noisy music, or music that that makes you want to sing or dance, since your goal is to focus on your studies, not on the music.