Business Studies, asked by lexeannawilliams33, 10 months ago

What determines the type of economic system a country has?

lexeannawilliams33: whats taking so long @Anverfathima
anverfathima: you can make it short
anverfathima: because i explained about one economic a lot
lexeannawilliams33: this the options for the questions
The political beliefs of the country’s ruler

The way the basic economic questions are answered

The resources of the country

The demand of the people
anverfathima: only about the economic is needed but i explained every thing about the different types of economic that's why it is too long


Answered by anverfathima

1. Traditional Economic System

The traditional economic system is the most traditional and ancient types of economies in the world. Vast portions of the world still function under a traditional economic system. These areas tend to be rural, second- or third-world, and closely tied to the land, usually through farming. In general, in this type of economic system, a surplus would be rare. Each member of a traditional economy has a more specific and pronounced role, and these societies tend to be very close-knit and socially satisfied. However, they do lack access to technology and advanced medicine.

2. Command Economic System

a command economic system, a large part of the economic system is controlled by a centralized power. For example, in the USSR most decisions were made by the central government. This type of economy was the core of the communist philosophy.

Since the government is such a central feature of the economy, it is often involved in everything from planning to redistributing resources. A command economy is capable of creating a healthy supply of its resources, and it rewards its people with affordable prices. This capability also means that the government usually owns all the significant industries like utilities, aviation, and railroad.

railroad in a command economy

In a command economy, it is theoretically possible for the government to create enough jobs and provide goods and services at an affordable rate. However, in reality, most command economies tend to focus on the most valuable resources like oil.

China or D.P.R.K. (North Korea) are examples of command economies.

3. Market Economic System

In a free market economy, firms and households act in self-interest to determine how resources get allocated, what goods get produced and who buys the goods. This is opposite to how a command economy works, where the central government gets to keep the profits.

There is no government intervention in a pure market economy (“laissez-faire“). However, no truly free market economy exists in the world. For example, while America is a capitalist nation, our government still regulates (or attempts to control) fair trade, government programs, honest business, monopolies, etc.

In this type of economy, there is a separation of the government and the market. This separation prevents the government from becoming too powerful and keeps their interests aligned with that of the markets.

Hong Kong has been seen as an example of a free market society.

4. Mixed Economic System

A mixed economy is a combination of different types of economic systems. This economic system is a cross between a market economy and command economy. In the most common types of mixed economies, the market is more or less free of government ownership except for a few key areas like transportation or sensitive industries like defense and railroad.

However, the government is also usually involved in the regulation of private businesses. The idea behind a mixed economy was to use the best of both worlds – incorporate policies that are socialist and capitalist.

To a certain extent, most countries are mixed economic system. For example, India and France are mixed economies.

lexeannawilliams33: the options for the question say
A. The political beliefs of the country’s ruler

The way the basic economic questions are answered

The resources of the country

The demand of the people
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