What did Chumley do next after his surgery of the orange?
the answer can be...
In those days Chumley and Tulu, our pair of chimpanzees was very much with us.
When you went to vist him, Chumley, after his hysterical morning greeting, which consisted of bared teeth, loud crazy screams and swinging to and fro around the cage would sit down and dissect an orange with the deep concentration and delicacy of a specialist surgeon operating on a Prime Minister.
Lulu, well aware of her husband’s perfect manners when it came to the weaker sex, took no chances.
While her husband was busy with his display she stuffed her mouth with grapes, gathered together as much fruit as she could and sat on it, in the hope that it would escape the attention of her spouse.
Chumley having completed his surgery on the orange ate the content and threw the skin at Lulu, hitting her on the back of the head softly.
Chumley was an underarm bowler but his skill and accuracy was remarkable.
Having thus informed Lulu of his devotion, he leapt on her, when she least expected it, cuffed her over the back of the head and dragged her, screaming, off the pile of fruit she was hiding.